Bem-vindo ao "e-consular", o sistema eletrônico de solicitação de serviços consulares do Consulado-Geral em Amsterdã.
Antes de dar início à sua solicitação, informe-se na página do Consulado-Geral ( sobre os requisitos para serviço que pretende solicitar.
O "e-consular" não disponibiliza imediatamente datas para agendamento. Antes de ter acesso a dias e horários para agendar sua visita, é necessário enviar pelo sistema a documentação (fazer o "upload" das imagens) para cada serviço, quando solicitado.
O usuário receberá por "e-mail", opções de dias e horários para agendar sua vinda à ao Consulado-Geral somente após conferência e validação da documentação. No dia do atendimento, traga os documentos originais que foram enviados ao sistema e-consular.
Em caso de dificuldade para operar o sistema, o Consulado-Geral pode ser contato pelo e-mail
IMPORTANT: This page is only intended for applications that will be processed at the Consulate of Brazil in Amsterdam (The Netherlands). If you are not in The Netherlands, please search for the e-consular page of the consulate nearest to your location.
Welcome to "e-consular", the electronic application system for consular services from the Consulate General of Brazil in Amsterdam. Before starting the application, please carefully read all the information in our webpage concerning the services you would like to request.
If this is your first time, click on: "register to create a new account" and follow the instructions. Attention: the password that will be sent to your "e-mail" is issued only to access the system for the first time and not to be confused with personal password access that you will create and always use to access the system.
The system "e-consular" does not immediately provide dates for scheduling services. Before having access to days and times to schedule your visit, you have to upload onto the system images of the necessary documents for each service.
After having the documentation checked and validated by the Consulate, the user will receive an e-mail with options of days and times to schedule your visit to the Consulate.
On the day of service, bring all the original documents, whose images were sent through the e-consular system.
In case of difficulty operating the system, the Consulate-General can be contacted on
If you don't have a CPF (Brazilian taxpayer ID), click here to enter with email and password.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs employee? Enter with Itamaraty.